Welcome to the Member Only Pages

Welcome to the Members Only pages of your website. Only paid members of the Cessna 150-152 Club are allowed to view these pages, post ads in the Classifieds, and read and post on the Forum

In these pages you will find all sorts of useful information to keep your Cessna 150 or 152 in tip top condition and the Forum is an excellent resource to keep up to date on maintenance issues, pilot issues, social events, and the Cessna 150-152 Fly-In. 

The weekly newsletter is a summary of the events of interest to the club and general aviation including a summary of the happenings on the forum and it comes straight to your email inbox.

Take a look at the membership database in the directory and shoot an email to a club member.  You will find the name and aircraft of most of our hundreds of members.

One of the goals for the Foundation when purchasing the Club was to restore the many databases of information formerly available on the Club website and most of these are now on-line.

Here you can find Service Bulletins, Service Letters, and Service Kits along with Aircraft Specifications  and  Airworthiness Directives for all of the Cessna 150 and 152s. 

On the forum the Cessna 150/152 club newsletters from present all the way back to 1981 are filled with excellent information.  Also on the forum are Projects & Restorations, Tips & Tricks, and the ever popular Tech Questions with over twenty years of answers.  

Here is a sample of the current events in the Tech Hangar

Note that the forum is on a different web site and requires its own user account.

If you're a member of the Club and find yourself locked out of our Website or the Forum, send me a note explaining the circumstances.    CLICK HERE

The Cessna 150-152 Club and Cessna 150-152 Fly-In Foundation are 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. Chicago, Illinois

Copyright 2025 Cessna 150-152 Club. All Rights Reserved. 

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