Charles Moore's 1968 150H Charles and Michael make a "Package Delivery" at the 2004 Clinton Fly-In Take Off Contest Scoring
Year: 1968 Model: 150H Serial#: 15068656 1,458 of 2,110, 1968 150H's manufactured
10,655 of 21,404, 150's manufactured in the USA Reg: N22980 Manufactured: 1968
I was raised as an airport kid. This particular airplane has been part of our family since 1997. My father, Charles Moore, was formerly a Dental Technology Instructor for the State of Michigan Department of corrections. Dad purchased 980 shortly after his retirement as a reward for many years of hard work and sacrifice for our family. Among his many other sacrifices, dad sold a previous airplane (a 1959 150) to help put me, (Michael) through College.
980 currently has 1,985 hours engine/airframe time and is S.T.C.’d for auto-gas. During the eight years he's owned her, dad has replaced all four new cylinders with new, and installed a Nav/Com, Indicator and Audio Panel. These items were all purchased on E-Bay! I think he has a total of $25 in the Audio Panel. Hopefully it'll keep working, we’ve gotten 3 years so far, more than our monies worth.
Dad graciously allowed me to earn my Private Pilots License using the plane and we put about 100-150 hours a year on the tach between the two of us. It has proved reliable and inexpensive, with little or no maintenance problems.
My dad recently completed rebuilding a 1969 150, so he currently has two 150’s. He’s wrestling with idea of which airplane to part with, or maybe selling both and move up to a 172. Dad has grandchildren now who will probably be raised as airport kids too.
Thanks Dad! – N22980 is a good old friend to the family!